Wellness Trends to Watch in 2023

3 years on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic can still be felt. It has impacted many facets of our lives, including how we view our health and wellness. It is against this backdrop, that I thought I’d share some thoughts around the major health and wellness trends I see for 2023. 1. The definition […]

Post-Baby Fact Sheet

Congratulations! You’ve had your baby and after being pregnant for nine months you’re now anxious to get back to your normal workout routine and back into shape. Regular exercise post-birth has many benefits. Not only is it good for your physical recovery but also for your mental health and overall well being. In fact, it […]

There’s More to Mental Wellness than Mindfulness and Meditation – How You Can Support Mental Health of Your Customers and Employees

With the Covid-19 induced work-and-shop from home lifestyle upon us, the awareness of mental wellness seems to finally be coming to the forefront of the corporate world. However, many organizations are still struggling to understand how they can effectively support mental wellness, both for their customers and their employees. Given that mobile technology is the […]

Clean Eating Food Swaps

Clean eating is about going back to basics. It’s about choosing wholesome, healthy food in its most natural state. It’s food that is whole, unprocessed and without chemicals and artificial ingredients (commonly referred to as wholefoods). It’s NOT a particular diet and shouldn’t be about restricting calories or depriving yourself.  But, sometimes knowing where to […]

How Chronic Lifestyle Diseases Impact your Business Profits

And what you can do to avoid these crippling costs. Preventable chronic lifestyle conditions such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease are costing Asian economies and subsequently the private sector billions of dollars each year in poor productivity, absenteeism, and increased insurance premiums.  These growing financial drains can be mitigated by clever companies willing […]

Beginners Guide to Clean Eating

Hands up who wants to feel more energised, lower your risk of chronic diseases, improve your heart health, your mental health AND look after the environment? These are just a few of the benefits of clean eating.  We are certain that even if you are new to the world of health and fitness that you’ve […]

Calorie Counting Cheat Sheet

The simple answer to losing weight and reducing your body fat is about calories in vs calories out. If you eat more calories than your body burns (in everyday activities and exercise) then you will store those calories as fat. The opposite is also true, if you consume less calories than you burn, you start […]

The Lesson Every Olympian Learns After the Olympic Flame Is Extinguished

Two-time Olympian and founder of Asian Health Tech Startup Active8me Jeremy Rolleston shares a lesson we can all learn from. As the action-packed 2021 Olympic Games in Tokyo nears an end, I’m reminded exactly why I’m here, in Asia, as the founder of a digital health start-up. Being a 2x Olympian, I can see there […]