Stop Letting Your Inner Critic Rule Your Life

You are perfect, amazing and beautiful just as you are right now. So, how many of you cringed and scoffed at that sentence? Why is it so difficult for us to be kind to ourselves? To celebrate our uniqueness? To achieve everything we want for ourselves while believing it is possible? We all have hopes […]

Reduce Stress with these 7 Simple Tips

If you’re already stressed, the last thing you need is something else to add to the never-ending list of things to-do because that will probably just add to your stress. That’s why we thought we’d look at how to reduce stress from the opposite side instead. So, here’s 7 things to STOP doing that will […]

7 Easy Ways to Beat the Weight Loss Plateau

Fitness and weight loss programs should come with the warning label ‘Beware of the Plateau’. Does this sound familiar? You have been working consistently and excited by your initial results. Then, something weird happens, it all seems to come to a grinding halt! But, it doesn’t make sense – you haven’t changed anything, you’re eating […]

The Art and Power of the Polite Decline

We’ve all experienced THAT ‘look’. You know the one that your mum, your aunty, your grandmother or even your neighbour gives you when you’re offered food and you try to say NO! It’s such a powerful look that makes you feel so guilty that you usually give in and take the Kueh as they watch […]

The How-To of Crushing Your Bad Habits

We are all creatures of habit. There is no escaping them, but they contain a simple power that can be harnessed for good or evil. It may seem like mission impossible, but if you want that transformed body and lifestyle where you’re fit and toned and feel energized and confident, then your mission (should you […]

5 Powerful Mindset Tips for Healthy Lifestyle Habits

You’ve decided it’s time for a change. Perhaps you want to lose weight, maybe you want to feel fit, confident and strong, or perhaps you just want to experience the buzz from those healthy lifestyle habits you see all over Instagram. But, where do you start? And, why is it so hard to start? The […]

The Perfect Time to get Started

If you are like any regular human being, you could come up with a million reasons why now is not the right time to start to eat better, get fitter, lose weight or generally just achieve a specific goal. You’re too tired. You don’t have time. You don’t know how or where to start. You […]