Clean Eating Tips


I’m sure many of you have read, seen or heard someone talking about eating clean. But what is clean eating?

Clean eating is about going back to the basics. It’s about choosing to eat wholesome, healthy food in its most natural state. It’s food that is whole,
unprocessed and without chemicals and artificial ingredients (commonly referred to as wholefoods). Food that your great-grandmother would recognise. A tomato, for example, is a whole food, while ketchup or tomato sauce is not. An orange is a whole food, and not processed orange juice or some orange ‘vitamin water’ drink.

It’s not a particular diet nor calorie restriction or deprivation. It’s not about meal frequency and it’s not about obsessing about 100% strict adherence to some mythical clean eating ideals. It is about common-sense choices to eat wholesome, fresh, calorie dense, nutritionally healthy food.

Find out more..

If you’d like to know more about clean eating then click here to download our Beginners Guide to Clean Eating.

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