Weight Loss: The Critical Factor

Losing weight and looking great is just a small component to a healthy lifestyle, but it’s fair to expect that you see the results of consistently living that healthy way of life. One of the most CRITICAL factors in any journey to a healthy lifestyle (including weight loss) is something that you may not realise […]

10 Tips to Lose Weight and Get Lean and Toned

It seems that everyday we are bombarded with insta-perfect bodies, ‘miracle fat-burning supplements’ and celebrity exercise gadgets that make all sorts of claims about burning fat and sculpting your body. The overall theme is that there is a quick-fix to losing weight, getting lean and toned. This simply isn’t true. If you’re more into real […]

Fitness Masterclass: Push-ups

Push-ups are a fast and effective exercise for building strength without the need for fancy equipment. Traditionally, push-ups were considered beneficial for building strength in your upper body muscles, but a well performed push-up can offer a lot more (apart from the challenge).  They use the resistance of your body weight to work the arms […]

Why Many Women Never Get Toned

If you’re like most people, you’ve tried dieting and learned the hard way that it doesn’t work. You’ve been working out hard but despite your best efforts you haven’t got the results you wanted and your body still looks the same. You just haven’t been able to achieve the lean, toned body you want.  The […]

Running Masterclass: Choosing the Right Running Shoe

Just like you wear dress shoes for a night out or flip flops to the beach, you should have a specific shoe for running! But if the thought of standing in front of the giant wall of running shoes at the store and making a choice freaks you out a little, let us help make […]

Running Masterclass: What You Need to Know About Running Gear

Essentially, running is one of the easiest sports to get started in because all you really need is a pair of runners! But of course your comfort and performance can be improved by selecting gear that is designed specifically for running.  There’s a common runner saying that goes, “There’s never bad weather, just poor clothing […]

Running Masterclass: Training in Hot Environments

Training in hot weather not only affects your core temperature but can also impact your performance. There are not too many things we can control when it comes to the weather, but you can certainly make some sensible choices to make sure you are getting the most out of your running sessions.  While everyone has […]

Running Masterclass: DOMS and Sore Muscles

Ok, hands up if you’ve ever started a new exercise program and the next day you’re struggling to walk with muscles that scream at you every time you move… We’ve been there and know exactly how you feel! In fact, even Olympians experience muscle soreness. But is what you’re feeling normal or do you need […]

Running Masterclass: Running Gadgets

When you first get into running you quickly realise that there is a whole new ‘running world’ that exists. There’s a vocabulary of new words from HR (heart rate) to VO2 Max (maximal oxygen consumption) and a plethora of gadgets that can be a little overwhelming!  Collecting data becomes important to be able to track […]