Nutrition Bites: Brown rice vs White rice

White rice has been a staple in the Asian diet for thousands of years, so it’s no surprise that it is so abundantly favoured over brown rice. We plan to change that stat, one person at a time…Will you be that person who reaps the benefits of replacing white rice with brown rice? Understanding why […]

Running Masterclass: DOMS and Sore Muscles

Ok, hands up if you’ve ever started a new exercise program and the next day you’re struggling to walk with muscles that scream at you every time you move… We’ve been there and know exactly how you feel! In fact, even Olympians experience muscle soreness. But is what you’re feeling normal or do you need […]

Running Masterclass: Running Gadgets

When you first get into running you quickly realise that there is a whole new ‘running world’ that exists. There’s a vocabulary of new words from HR (heart rate) to VO2 Max (maximal oxygen consumption) and a plethora of gadgets that can be a little overwhelming!  Collecting data becomes important to be able to track […]

Running Masterclass: Overtraining

Running is a high impact sport and you need to respect the demands that you’re putting on your body. Unfortunately, one of the biggest traps we see people falling into when starting a new running regime is doing too much, too soon. It’s important to understand how scheduling your runs to incorporate rest and recovery […]

Nutrition Bites: Skipping Breakfast

We all know how busy life can get but skipping breakfast may have long term consequences on your health. Skipping breakfast is one step in a healthy direction, eating a nutritious breakfast is your path to a healthier life. Study after study suggests that eating a nutritious breakfast offers health benefits that range from improved […]

Running Masterclass: How to Progress Your Running

Running is such an individualised sport. So you need to keep in mind that when undertaking a running program that we all have different starting points, strengths and abilities. The distance, pace and intensity you run at is all relative to where you’re at as a runner.  It’s important to keep in mind that some […]

Running Masterclass: Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE)

In each of the Active8me Run programs we aim to make life as simple as possible, yet supply you with a program that suits your current level of fitness and ability. This personalisation happens through a system called Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE). By using the scale described in the video, you can tailor the […]

Running Masterclass: Breathing

Are you feeling puffed just thinking about a run? We get it! Something that seems so natural and basic can become a big deal when it comes to ‘getting it right’ for running. Firstly, let us reassure you that we ALL have different techniques when it comes to breathing and what suits you may not […]

Nutrition Bites: Wholefoods

Making sense of what is ‘good’ and ‘bad’ food is sometimes a minefield that is can be so overwhelming we tend to ignore it! So, instead of categorising foods that way, we’re giving you a run down of exactly what the difference, benefits, and traps of wholefoods vs processed foods are so you can make […]